J Korean Geriatr Soc Search


Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2006;10(4):262-270.
Published online December 31, 2006.
Association Between the extent of Subclinical Atheroscelrosis and Pulse Wave Velocity in the Elderly
Young Kwon Yun, Yung Woo Shin
Department of Internal Medicine, Colleage of Medicine, Busan National University, Pusan, Korea. yunykwon@kornet.net
무증상 죽상경화증의 진행 정도와 맥파전파속도와의 관계
atherosclerosis is main cause of death, It is important to find it early because it represents mainly coronary heart diseases and cerebrovascular diseases later. We thought that there would be difference between the extent of subclinical atherosclerosis and PWVs, and we researched the relation between the extent of atherosclerosis and PWVs.
One hundred thirty nine elderly patients (62 men, 77 women, 60~69 years old) who had atypical chest pain, and underwent coronary angiography, and less than 50% stenosis of coronary artery, and less than 1.0 TnI were evaluated Framingham cardiovascular risk score, PWVs, the extent of coronary artery, the extent of carotid atherosclerosis, ankle-brachial index.
hfPWV showed significant positive correlation and difference of velocity according to the extent of carotid atherosclerosis in women, total (r=0.341, p=0.025), (r=0.306. p=0.000), and hfPWV showed significant positive correlation and difference of velocity with the extent of stenosis of coronary artery angiography in women, total (r=0.400, p=0.000), (r=0.271, p=0.001), there was no correlation between ABI and PWVs. hcPWV showed significant correlation, and difference of velocity with Framingham risk score in men and total, hfPWV showed positive correlation and difference with Framingham risk score in men, women, total, and baPWV showed positive correlation and difference of velocity according to the Framingham risk score in men, women, total.
There is positive correlation and difference of velocity between the extent of subclinical atherosclerosis and PWVs (especially hfPWV), it would help to detect subclinical atherosclerosis and to treat it early.
Key Words: The extent of subclinical atherosclerosis, PWVs, Early detection

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