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Copyright transfer agreement

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*Must be signed and returned to the editor-in-chief of the journal before the manuscript can be considered for publication

I am the author signing on behalf of all co-authors of the manuscript
Name/Title/Institution/Signature: _______________________________________________________________
E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________________________

I have read and agree to the terms of the License Agreement [   ]

Author(s) hereby certify that:

  • 1. The Author(s) are the sole authors of and sole owners of the copyright in the Contribution.
  • 2. If the Contribution includes materials of others, the Author(s) certify that they have obtained written permission for the use of text, tables, and/or illustrations from any copyrighted source(s), and agree to supply such written permission(s) to the Korean Geriatrics Society (KGS) upon request.
  • 3. In consideration of publication of the Contribution in the Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research (AGMR), the Author(s) hereby grants to KGS for the full term of copyright and any extensions thereto the sole and exclusive, irrevocable license to publish, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, store, translate, create derivate works from and otherwise use the Work in any language or in any form, manner, format, or medium now known or hereafter developed without limitation throughout the world, and to permit and/or license others to do any or all of the above. In the event that AGMR decides not to publish the Contribution, this license shall be terminated and all rights revert to the author(s). And I agree to the AGMR Open Access license agreement: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial license.


Ownership of copyright remains with the Authors, and provided that, when reproducing the Contribution or extracts from it, they acknowledge first and reference publication in the Journal. Authors also retain the following nonexclusive rights:

  • * To reproduce the Contribution in whole or in part in any printed volume (book or thesis) of which they are the author(s).
  • * They and any academic institution where they work at the time may reproduce the Contribution for the purpose of course teaching.
  • * To post a copy of the Contribution as accepted for publication after peer review (in Word or Text format) on the Authors’ own web site or institutional repository or the Author’s funding body’s archive, after publication of the printed or online edition of the Journal, provided that they also give a hyperlink from the Contribution to the Journal’s web site.
  • * To reuse figures or tables created by them and contained in the Contribution in other works created by them.



Users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the contribution under the following conditions (read full legal code at

  • * Attribution: Users must attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they or their use of the contribution is endorsed by the author or licensor).
  • * Noncommercial: Users may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • * For any reuse or distribution, users must make clear to others the license terms of this work, preferably using a link to the Creative commons webpage (
  • * Any of the above conditions can be waived if users get permission from the copyright holder.


I affirm the Author Representations noted below, and confirm that I have reviewed and complied with the relevant Instructions to Authors.

Author representations
The Article I have submitted to the journal for review is original, has been written by the stated authors and has not been previously published.
The Article was not submitted for review to another journal while under review by this journal and will not be submitted to any other journal.
The Article and the Supplemental Materials do not infringe any copyright, violate any other intellectual property, privacy or other rights of any person or entity, or contain any libelous or other unlawful matter.
I have obtained written permission from copyright owners for any excerpts from copyrighted works that are included and have credited the sources in the Article or the Supplemental Materials. Except as expressly set out in this License Agreement, the Article is not subject to any prior rights or licenses and, if my or any of my co-authors’ institution has a policy that might restrict my ability to grant the rights required by this License Agreement (taking into account the Author Rights permitted hereunder, including Internal Institutional Use), a written waiver of that policy has been obtained.
If I am using any personal details or images of patients, research subjects or other individuals, I have obtained all consents required by applicable law and complied with the publisher’s policies relating to the use of such images or personal information. If the Article or any of the Supplemental Materials were prepared jointly with other authors, I have informed the coauthor( s) of the terms of this License Agreement and that I am signing on their behalf as their agent, and I am authorized to do so.

  • Journal Impact Factor 2.8
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