On behalf of the Editorial Board of Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research, we would like to appreciate reviewer’s dedication in reviewing the submitted manuscripts during 2023. We greatly appreciate their rigorous and conscientious effort for our journal. The thoughtful comments and critiques that they provide certainly help improve the quality of our journal.
Reviewer Board |
Nilay Aksoy | Altinbas University Faculty of Pharmacy |
Ridvan Aktan | Izmir University of Economics |
Esref Arac | Dicle University Faculty of Medicine |
Hidenori Arai | National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology |
Suka Aryana | Sanglah Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University |
Prasert Assantachai | Mahidol University |
Yupin Aungsuroch | Chunglalongkorn University |
Tung Wai Auyeung | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Ji Yeon Baek | Asan Medical Center |
Belinda R Beck | Griffith University |
Jaewon Beom | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Ramanarayana Boyapati | Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences |
Seonjeong Byun | Uijongbu St.Mary |
Stefano Cacciatore | Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS |
Ian Cameron | The University of Sydney |
Matteo Cesari | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse |
Ran-hui Cha | National Medical Center |
Won Kee Chang | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Liang-Kung Chen | Taipei Veterans General Hospital |
Qiaoxi Chen | Brigham and Women’s Hospital |
Justin Chew | TTSH |
BeLong Cho | Seoul National University |
Ahreum Choi | Chung-Ang University |
Han Sung Choi | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Jae Kyung Choi | Konkuk University Medical Centre |
Jongkyoung Choi | National Medical Center |
Jung Yeon Choi | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Yong Jun Choi | Ajou University Hospital |
Ming-Yueh Chou | Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan. ROC |
Heeran Chun | Joongwon University |
YANNAM DEEPAK | National Health Mission |
Arzu Demircioğlu | Hacettepe University |
Jong Geol Do | Samsung Medical Center |
Walter Frontera | Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital |
Hyuk Ga | Incheon Eun-Hye Hospital |
Cristiano Gomes | Universidade de Pernambuco |
José Fernando Gómez | Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia |
Hyun Sik Gong | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Milan Chang Gudjonsson | University of Iceland |
JiWon Han | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Yukari Hattori | The University of Tokyo |
A ram Hong | Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital |
Emiel Hoogendijk | Department of Epidemiology |
Eun Seong Hwang | university of seoul |
Hwansik Hwang | Hanyang University Hospital |
Il-Young Jang | Asan Medical Center |
Soong-nang Jang | Chung-Ang University |
Sung Man Jang | Kyungpook National University Hospital |
Gyeong-Suk Jeon | National Mokpo University |
EunJin Jeong | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Sun-Young Jeong | Konyang University Medical Centre |
Sung Hwan Ji | Asan Medical Center |
Hee-won Jung | Asan Medical Center |
Kyong Yeun Jung | Nowon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University |
So-Youn Jung | National Cancer Center |
Neti Juniarti | Universitas Padjadjaran |
Buse OZCAN KAHRAMAN | Dokuz Eylul University |
Min-gu Kang | Chonnam National University Bitgoeul Hospital |
Beom-Jun Kim | Asan Medical Center |
Boryun Kim | Korea University Anam Hospital |
Chang-Oh Kim | Yonsei University College of Medicine |
Dae Hyun Kim | Hebrew SeniorLife |
Dohyun Kim | Dankook University Hospital |
EunYoung Kim | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Heesun Kim | National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating A |
Hye Jin Kim | Gyeonggi Regional Health & Medical Center for Persons with Disabilities |
Hyeon Chang Kim | Yonsei University College of Medicine |
Il-Young Kim | Gachon University College of Medicine |
In Ju Kim Kim | Pusan National University Hospital |
Jeong Lan Kim | Chungnam National University Hospital |
Jin-Woo Kim | Nowon Eulji Medical Center, Eulji University |
Ju Deok Kim | Kosin University College of Medicine |
Jung Hee Kim | Seoul National University |
Jung Hwan Kim | National Rehabilitation Center |
Jun-Soon Kim | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Kwang-Il Kim | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Kyoung Min Kim | Yongin Severance Hospital |
Kyoung-Min Kim | Yongin Severance Hospital |
Miji Kim | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Rockli Kim | Harvard University |
Seong-Hyop Kim | Konkuk University Medical Centre |
sun young Kim | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Sun-Wook Kim | Sunhanvit Geriatric Hospital |
Won Kim | Asan medical center |
Won-Seok Kim | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Woo Jung Kim | Yonsei University College of Medicine |
Young Keun Kim | Wonju Severance Christian Hospital |
Younji Kim | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Yun Jin Kim | Pusan National University |
Taro Kojima | Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo |
Sung Hye Kong | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Ki-Sun Kwon | Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
Cheol-Koo Lee | Korea University |
Dong-woo Lee | Inje University |
Gil-Ho Lee | Dankook University Hospital |
Goo Joo Lee | Chungbuk National University College of Medicine |
Hak Seung Lee | Seoul National University Hospital |
Han Cheol Lee | Pusan National University Hospital |
Heayon Lee | Asan Medical Center |
Ho Jun Lee | Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital |
In-Sik Lee | Konkuk University Medical Centre |
Jakyung Lee | Chung-Ang University |
Ji Eun Lee | CHA Bundang Medical Center |
Jong Rok Lee | the director of the dermatology department |
Jong-Seok Lee | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Joo-Yup Lee | Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital |
Kwang-Woo Lee | Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital |
Sang Ah Lee | Jeju National University Hospital |
Seok Bum Lee | Dankook University |
Seung Yeol Lee | Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital |
Seungjin Lee | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Yunhwan Lee | Ajou University School of Medicine |
Sarath Lekamwasam | Faculty of Medicine |
Jae-Young Lim | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Jun Pei Lim | Tan Tok Seung Hospital |
Seung-Kyu Lim | Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine |
Wee Shiong Lim | Tan Tock Seng Hospital |
yong su Lim | Gchon university gil medical center |
Gobinda Mahji | National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Scie |
Hyuma Makizako | Kagoshima University |
Giacomo Mantovani | AUSL Parma |
Manzotti Matias | Hospital Alemán Internal Medicine |
Hiroshige Matsumoto | The University of Tokyo |
Rosa McNamara | St Vincent's University Hospital |
Jean-Pierre Michel | Geneva Hospitals and Medical University |
Khor HUI MIN | University of Malaya. Malaysia |
Kyounghoon Min | CHA Bundang Medical Center |
Fumihiro Mizokami | Hospital Alemán · Internal Medicine |
Tomohiro Mizuno | Fujita Health University |
Arvindselvan Mohanaselvan | Apex Medical Group |
Hyun-Im Moon | Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital |
Seok Woo Moon | Konkuk University Chungju Hospital |
John Morley | Saint Louis University |
Hirotaka Nakashima | Nagoya University Hospital |
Amirabbas Nikkhah | Tehran University of Medical Sciences |
Jee-Hyun Noh | KGS |
Byung-Mo Oh | Seoul National University Hospital |
Seung-Lyul Oh | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Raffaele Pagliuca | AORN Caserta |
Jong-Woo PAIK | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Chan Mi Park | Hebrew SeniorLife |
Hawon Park | Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth |
Jae Hyeon Park | Hanyang University College of Medicine |
Myonghwa Park | Chungnam National University |
Susan Park | Seoul Nation University, Seoul, Republic of Korea |
Yoo-Kyoung Park | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Li-Ning Peng | Taipei Veterans General Hospital |
Juliana Poh | Woodlands Health |
Santosh Rathod | Mumbai, Maharashtra |
Claudia Liliana Valencia Rico | Catholic University of Manizales |
Francisco Gude Sampe | Santiago de Compostela University, Spain |
Monish A sheth | Baylor College of Medicine |
Ga Yang Shim | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Cheol Min Shin | Seoul National University Bundang Hospital |
Dong Hoon Shin | Seoul National University |
Hyungeun Shin | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Myung Jun Shin | Pusan National University School of Medicine |
Seok Hwan Shin | Inha University Hospital |
Joung Sik Son | Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital |
Kiyoung Son | Seoul National University Hospital |
Irewin Tabu | College of Medicine,Philippines |
Maw Pin Tan | University of Malaya |
Pınar Tosun Tasar | Ataturk University Hospital |
Shyh Poh Teo | Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital |
Songul Tezcan | Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy |
Olga Theou | Dalhousie University |
Sabah Tuzun | Marmara University Faculty of Medicine |
Joe Verghese | Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Vijaya Krishna Prasad Vudathaneni | Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Hidetaka Wakabayashi | Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital |
Soon Joo Wang | Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallim University |
Debra L. Waters | University of Otago |
Won Chang Won | Kyung Hee University Hospital |
Ye Seul Yang | The Catholic University of Korea, Uijeongbu ST. Mary’s Hospital |
Youngseok Yi | Asan Medical Center |
Jun-Il Yoo | Gyeongsang National University Hospital |
Jong Lull Yoon | Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallim University |
Solji Yoon | Kangwon National university hospital |
Sung Hoon Yu | Hanyang University |