The Development of Korean Activities of Daily Living(K-ADL) and Korean Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(K-IADL) Scale |
Chang Won Won, Keum Yeol Yang, Yong Gyun Rho, Soo Young Kim, Eun Ju Lee, Jong Lull Yoon, Kyung Hwan Cho, Ho Cheol Shin, Bi Ryong Cho, Jeong Ryul Oh, Do Kyung Yoon, Hong Soon Lee, Young Soo Lee |
한국형 일상생활활동 측정도구(K-ADL)와 한국형도구적 일상생활활동 측정도구(K-IADL)의 개발 |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND S: Katz index of ADL and Barthel index of ADL have been used to evaluate the function of disabled elderly in Korea. But no ADL scale reflecting Korean's own language expression and culture has been developed and verified yet. METHODS Descriptions of basic activities which needed others' help were collected from 190 Korean disabled elderly. The collected results were categorized into basic activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, and then in each domain such as bathing, shopping, etc. Preliminary instrument items were selected by the judgement of the expert committee, considering the frequency of the responses and the importance of each item. A preliminary questionnaire was developed based on the selected items. The preliminary questionnaire was pretested twice, and corrected by the results. Finally a scholar on Korean literature verified the questionnaire on the grammar and context. RESULTS A total of 408 basic activities of daily living and 242 instrumental activities of daily living were collected. The activities were categorized into 7 domains of ADL(dressing, washing face and hand, bathing, eating, transfer, toileting, continence) and 10 domains of IADL(decorating, housework, preparing meals, laundry, outgoing for a short distance, using transportation, shopping, handling money, using telephone, taking medicine) CONCLUSIONS: We developed a Korean Activities of Daily Living(K-ADL) scale and Korean Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(K-IADL) scale reflecting Korean elderly's own language expression and culture. |
Key Words:
ADL, IADL, Questionnaire, Scale |