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Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2000;4(1):28-34.
Published online March 31, 2000.
Role of Cytosolic Ca2+ in the Enhancement and Inhibition of the Proliferation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Hyung Joon Yoo, Sung Hee Ihm
Department of Internal Medicine Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
: Vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMCs) proliferation is an important process in the pathogenesis and progression of atherosclerosis, Calcium is considered an important regulator of cellular proliferation. The major mechanism regulating VSMC cytoplasmic Ca2+ activity are Ca2+ entry and extrusion across the plasmalemma and Ca2+ release and uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. To investigate the role of cytosolic Ca2+ in the proliferaton of VSMCs, we studied the proliferation and the dynamics of cytosolic Ca2+ in VSMCs from nondiabetic rats.
: The proliferation of aortic vascular smooth muscle cells of rats, acquired by enzymatic method, was studied with MTT assay, and calcium agonists (Bay K 8644 10(-6)M) or calcium antagonists(verapamil 10(-6)M). Cytosolic Ca2+ was measured by Fura 2 method.
: Bay K 8644 enhanced VSMCs proliferation. Verapamil blocked the incremental effect induced by Bay K 8644. In the presence of extracellular calcium ion, Bay K 8644 (10(-6)M) abolished the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by Bay K 8644 in the presence of 1mM extracellular calcium ion.
: The enhanced proliferation of VSMCs is associated with the increment in cytosolic calcium.
초 록

연구배경 :

혈관평활근세포의 증식은 죽상경화의 중요한 한병인적 과정이다. 칼슘이온은 세포 증식의 조절인자로 알려져 있다. 이에 백서 대동맥 혈관평활근세포 증식에서 칼슘이온의 역할을 규명하고자 함.

방 법 :

효소법으로 백서 대동맥 혈관평활근세포를 배양하여 칼슘 촉진약물인 Bay K 8644(10-6 M)을 첨가하고, 뒤이어 칼슘 길항제인 verapamil(10-6 M)을 첨가하여 세포 증식은 MTT assay로 세포질 칼슘 농도 변화는 Fura 2 방법으로 측정 파악하였다.

결 과 :

Bay K 8644는 혈관평활근세포를 증식시켰고, verapamil은 그 증식을 억제시켰다. Bay K 8644는 세포와 칼슘(1 mM) 존재하에서 세포질 칼슘농도를 높였고, verapamil은 그 증가를 억제하였다.

결 론 :

혈관평활근세포의 증식은 세포질 칼슘 농도의 증가와 연관이 있다.

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