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Ann Geriatr Med Res > Volume 14(4); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2010;14(4):227-233.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4235/jkgs.2010.14.4.227    Published online December 31, 2010.
Clinical Characteristics of Elderly Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hyun Ok Kim, Ho Sung Yoon, Seung Ki Kwok, Ji Hyeon Ju, Kyung Su Park, Sung Hwan Park, Ho Youn Kim
1Department of Internal Medicine, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Jinju, Korea.
2Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. ho0919@catholic.ac.kr
60세 이상에서 발생하는 류마티스 관절염의 임상적 특징
경상대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실1, 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 류마티스내과2
Elderly onset rheumatoid arthritis (EORA) affects people older than 60 years of age and is different from younger onset rheumatoid arthritis (YORA) in several aspects. EORA is seen in each sex equally, has more large joint involvement and is associated with a higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). In this study, we compared the clinical and laboratory data of these two conditions.
Our subjects included 230 patients meeting the American College of Rheumatology criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. We compared the clinical manifestation, medication history and laboratory data including rheumatoid factor, anti-nuclear antibody, ESR, C-reactive protein and total sharp score of EORA and YORA.
The male to female ratio was 1:2.5 in EORA and 1:5.6 in YORA (p=0.016). The mean age was 74+/-5.3 years in EORA and 47+/-8.9 years in YORA. ESR was higher for EORA (52.8+/-35.6 mm/hr) than for YORA (40.2+/-29.2 mm/hr) (p=0.004). A positive RF was seen more often in EORA (75%) than in YORA (67%) (p=0.027). Shoulder joint pain was more common in EORA (41.0%) than in YORA (21.6%) (p=0.001) as was knee joint pain, 77.1% and 48.8%(p<0.001), respectively.
EORA showed a relatively higher incidence in males and had more large joint involvement than YORA. The higher abnormal values of ESR and rheumatoid factor seen in EORA might be associated with poor prognosis.
Key Words: Elderly onset rheumatoid arthritis, Younger onset rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis

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