A Case of Behcet Disease with Intestinal Involvement in an Elderly Patient |
Jung Min Park, Chang Seog Lee, Min Seong Kim, Do Young Kim, Chul Young Kim, Young Bae Lim, Kyung Yeob Kim, Yun Jung Kim, Ji Young Seo, Yong Kyu Lee |
1Department of Internal Medicine, Good Gang-An hospital, Busan, Korea. lyk59@medimail.co.kr 2Department of Pathology, Good Gang-An hospital, Busan, Korea. |
고령에서 장침범을 동반한 베체트 증후군 1예 |
박정민1,이창석1,김민성1,김도영1,김철영1,임영배1,김경엽1,김윤정1,서지영2,이용규1 |
좋은강안병원 내과1, 해부병리과2 |
Abstract |
Behcet disease is a multisystemic disorder characterized by a chronic relapsing triple symptom complex of recurrent oral ulceration, genital ulceration, and ocular inflammation. The onset of Behcet disease is rare in old age as is whole colon involvement. We recently saw a 78-year-old female patient examined to have intestinal Behcet disease with diffuse colon ulcers. She was admitted due to multiple oral ulcers, genital ulcers, low abdominal pain, and hematochezia. Colonoscopy showed multiple well-demarcated, large, deep, bleeding ulcers from the cecum into the descending colon. The patient was diagnosed with Behcet disease and treated with steroid, colchicine, and mesalazine. This paper describes a case of Behcet disease with unusual intestinal distribution. |
Key Words:
Behcet disease, Old age, Colon |