The Validity and Reliability of Korean Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(K-IADL) Scale |
Chang Won Won, Yong Gyun Rho, Duk SunWoo, Young Soo Lee |
한국형 일상생활활동 측정도구의 타당도 및 신뢰도 |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND Korean Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(K-IADL) scale was developed to measure the elderly function. The aim of the present study was to establish the validity and reliability of K-IADL scale. METHODS Clinical validity and convergent validity was tested. Reliability was tested by internal consistency(Cronbach`s alpha), two weeks test-retest method, and interrator correlation. RESULTS Cronbach`s alpha was 0.938. 2 weeks test-retest correlations in all 10 items were higher than 0.674. Interrator agreements were high in all 10 items(H=0.808~0.947). Normal control group had lower scores than patients group in all 10 items(p=0.000). Correlation coefficient between K-IADL score and brain-disability grade was between -0.336(laundry) and -0.663(using transportation)(p=0.000). CONCLUSIONS Korean Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(K-IADL) scale is a valid and reliable instrument. In the future, the studies showing an association between K-IADL and mortality, prognosis are needed. |