Development of the Korean Version of Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale(DAD-K) to Assess Function in Dementia |
Guk Hee Suh |
치매 기능평가를 위한 치매장애평가척도 한국어판의 개발 |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVES: To develop the Korean version of Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale(DAD-K), an instrument for functional disability for use with proxy-respondents of community-dwelling persons who have Alzheimer`s disease METHOD: Community-dwelling elderly and their caregivers with memory impairment(N=341) participated in this study to evaluate reliabilities and validities of DAD-K. RESULTS The DAD-K demonstrated a high degree of internal consistency(Cronbach`s alpha=0.88) and excellent interrater(ICC=0.96) and test-retest(ICC=0.96) reliability and good concurrent validity. In addi- tion, it was found not to have age, education and gender bias. CONCLUSION The DAD-K is valid and reliable instrument in Korean elderly with Alzheimer`s disease, that may help clinicians and caregivers of the population with Alzheimer`s disease make decisions regar- ding the choice of suitable interventions. |
Key Words:
DAD, Dementia, Function, Reliability, Gender, Education, Surveys and Questionnaires |