J Korean Geriatr Soc Search


Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society 2001;5(3):232-239.
Published online September 30, 2001.
Effect of Age and Liver Cirrhosis on the Gluthathione Concentration and Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in the Plasma, Erythrocytes and Gastric Mucosa of Human
Gwang Ho Baik, Jong Hyeok Kim, Il Hyun Baek, Tae Ho Hahn, Hyun Ju Park, Sang Hoon Park, Joong San Suh, Choong Kee Park, Jae Young Yoo
노화와 간경변이 인체의 적혈구, 혈장 및 위점막의 Glutathione 농도와 Glutathione Peroxidase 활성도에 대해 미치는 영향
The role of aging in damage to DNA have been of increasing in recent years. DNA damage correlated with biochemical and physiologic changes that are characteristic of cellular impairment in aging and disease. Reduction of oxygen in tissue produces a number of oxygen free radicals which may induce cellular damage and even cell death. Glutathione, its function in reductive processes that are essential for the synthesis (and the degradation) of proteins, formation of deoxyribonucleotide precursors of DNA, regulation of enzymes, and protection of the cell against reactive oxygen compounds and free radicals. The aim of this study was, 1) to measure the glutathione concentration and glutathione proxidase activity of erythroyte, plasma, human gastric mucosa in elderly and liver cirrhosis patient 2) to investigate a role of glutathione mediated cellular defense mechanism against oxidative stress between in liver cirrhosis patient and in elderly.
We measured glutathione concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity in the plasma, erythrocytes, gastric mucosa of human in 4 group (Group A: 10 patients of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertensive gastropathy in age 40~55 years, Group B: same number and disease of patients in age over 65 years, group C: healthy person of age over 65 years, Group D: control). Glutathione concentration of erythocyte, plasma and human gastric mucosa was measured by spectrophotometer using Bioxytech GSH-400. Glutathione peroxidase activity of plasma was measured by Paglia & Valentine method using Bioxytech pl. Gpx and of erythocyte and human gastric mucosa was measured by using Bioxytech Gpx.340. Statistical significance of the different group was determined by ANOVA. A p<0.05 was considered significant. RESULT: Glutathione concentration of erythrocytes and gastric mucosa was decreased in Group A, B, C compared to group D. plasma concentration of glutathione was decreased in group A, B compared to group C, D. Activity of glutathione peroxidase was not different in any group (ANOVA, p<0.005).
Even though glutathione concentration of erythrocyte and human gastric mucosa was decreased in elderly and in liver cirrhosis patient, our study shows decreased glutathione related defense mechanism against oxidative stress is different in view of plasma concentration of glutathione.
Key Words: Gluthathione, Elderly, Liver cirrhosis, Gluthathione, Glutathione peroxidase activity
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