Study Objective
Participants and Locale
Sampling Technique
Instrument and Data Collection
Ethical Considerations
Data Analysis
Rigor and Trustworthiness
Thematic Results
Theme 1: Coping strategies and measures used by older adults to adapt well to the COVID-19 pandemic
“Sakun na kagya adun a wata akun a miklas sa medicine na ditawn die makapangi-ngisa na paniwala ako a adun talaga a covid-19 sie sa ingud tano aya. Pkaylay tano sa social media ago mga news a tanto a madakul a kya apektowan ago so pud na mindod sa limo o ALLAH swt misabap sa gyangkae a paniyakit.” [Since I have a son who has studied medicine and was able to ask questions, I believe in the existence of COVID-19 in my community in my situation. We see on social media and the news that many have been affected, and others have even died of this illness]. – P2
“So mga restrictions na tanto a margun lalo so kapakindodolona ko pud a taw, ogaid na paka adap-ako ka kagya inaccept akun angkae a masoswa-swa ago dapat na pka follow tano so mga bitikan ago policy.” [The restrictions are very difficult, especially in terms of socializing with other people, but I cope with this by accepting the situation and the need to follow rules and regulations.] – P5
“So sitwasyon tano imanto na siebo anan matitimo ko taw. Dapat na may disiplina tayo at alam ntin ang mga protocols na binibigay ng otoridad ago dapat na ino-observe natin yon. Sabinga nila na aya mapiya a taw na so katawan iyan so kapanang-gila. Na kagya sabap sa aya ta ipkaluk ta na obata mapositive ago ma quarantine odi na mawit sa ospital na aya pingola-olako na so makapantag ko paano maiwasan at ma spread a gyangkae a paniyakit ago igira adun a magugudam akun na diyako die quarantine sa kwarto a sakun bo.” [Our situation today depends on people. We must have discipline, and we should know the protocols given by the authorities and observe them. They stated that a good person knows how to avoid such issues. Because we are afraid that we might be positive, quarantined, or hospitalized, what I did was to prevent and spread this illness, so I usually quarantine myself in the room alone when I feel something is new.] – P2
“Aya syowa akun na pagosar ako sa preventive measures datar o kasulot sa mask, kausar sa alcohol, ago face shield, ago social distancing igira sisie sa public a mga areas.” [What I did was I used preventive measures like wearing masks, limiting alcohol use, using face shields, and social distancing in public areas.] – P3
“Gyangkae a covid-19 na myakapanang-gila so taw. So di pag-exercise na myakapag exercise. Apya so dingka kun na myakan ka lagido gulay ago prutas ka pantagbo sa an pakabagur so lawas ka para kaiwasan ka gyoto a covid-19 a paniyakit.” [People must be careful about COVID-19. Those who don’t exercise are able to exercise. Even if you don’t eat vegetables and fruits, you are now eating them to strengthen your body and avoid getting infected with this illness.] – P2
“Dyakopn die mag exercise ago regular so kapaginom akun sa maintenance akun a bolong para sa highblood ago vitamins. Diyakopn die garden sa walay para pkatumbang apya maito.” [I exercise and regularly take my maintenance medication for high blood pressure, and I take vitamins. I also do some gardening at home so that I remain entertained somehow.] – P3
“Sie raknun na kagya adun a mga wata akun a miklas sa medicine na pagisaan akun siran ago sie ako kiran puk-wa sa advice.” [For my part, since I have a son studying medicine, I usually ask him for advice.] – P2
“Sakun na paratiyayaan akun so mga pkanug akun ko mga doctor ago nurses a health measure sa gya covid-19. Di ako basta basta psong ko madakul a taw ago bako pliyo a daa sabap a ipliyo akun.” [As for me, I believe what I hear from doctors and nurses about health measures for covid-19. I don’t just go out to meet many people and come out for no good reason.] – P3
“Naka-adjust ako dahil nilakasan ko ang loob ko at basta malaka e paratiyaya ko ALLAH (swt) na pkakayangka apya antonaa klase a problema. Pakadakulun ka so simbangka ago so tasbik ka, ago kapangadi sa qur’an, na In shaa ALLAH na ipkalimo o ALLAH swt so manosiya a lagidoto. So kasambayang na aya mala pakawgop rakun nago aya lalayon akun a pipikirin na so ALLAH swt.” [I was able to adjust because I took courage, and as long as you have great faith in ALLAH (SWT), you can withstand any problem. We must increase our prayers and always read the Qur’an (a holy book for Muslims); surely, he will always help and bless us. Our prayers can help us a lot, and I always remember God’s (ALLAH swt) name.] – P1
“Sa prayer ko dinadaan ang lahat. Ang ALLAH swt lang ang nakaka control sa mga bagay bagay.” [In my prayer, everything goes through. Only ALLAH swt can control things.] – P4
Theme 2: Life dispositions of older adults in the COVID-19 pandemic
“Mabuti, ganun parin ang aking pamumuhay. In shaa ALLAH na walang pagbabago kasi nakaka-kain parin ako ng maayos at walang problema sa pera dahil hindi naman ako maluhong tao.” [Good, my living conditions are the same. In Shaa ALLAH, there are no changes because I can still eat well and have no money issues since I am not a luxury person.] – P1
“Okay nman ang pamumuhay ko kahit covid-19 pandemic kasi government employee tayo at may sweldo parin kahit papano. Mas nakatipid pa tayo kasi hindi tayo makalabas at pasyal sa mga malls.” [My life is good even during the COVID-19 pandemic because I am a government employee and still earn a salary. We can save even more because we can neither go outside nor visit malls.] – P4
“So kambobolawasan akun na mapyadn ogaid na basta pakatowa so edad na dirundn kada so mga sakit sa lawas ka part anan o ageing.” [My physical health is so far good; however, when we get old, it is normal to feel some changes that include body aches as part of aging.] – P1
“Normal so kaledad a kapka-oyag-oyag akun. Mapiyadn odi na health a magugudam akun kasi na dako katakdi angkaya a COVID-19.” [My quality of life is normal. I feel physically healthy because I am not affected by Covid-19.] – P5
“Wala namang masyadong problema sa physical na aspeto sa awa ng ALLAH swt. Wala naman akung mga nararamdaman na sakit simula magka pandemya hanggang ngayon.” [There is not much problem with my physical health at the mercy of ALLAH swt. I have not felt any pain since the pandemic began.] – P6
“Alhamdulillah ka mapipiyatadn ago satisfied ako ka pka ilay akun so pamilyakun ago mapiya so environment akun.” [Alhamdullilah, I am still good and satisfied as long as I can see my family and have a good environment.] – P3
“Pkaconsider akun a mapiyadn odi na average so kapka-oyag-oyag akun imanto kagya diyako makapliyo-liyo a daa bakun pipikira ogaid na madakul so oras para ko family bonding.” [I consider my living conditions as good or average as of now because I cannot go outside without worrying, although there is always time for family bonding.] – P5
“Mas myakabagur so paratiyaya akun ko ALLAH swt na sie ako mambo pukwa sa bagur para magagakn angkaya a t’pung a inibgay nyan ruktano.” [My faith in ALLAH swt grew stronger than before, and that is where I draw courage to pass this test that he gave us.] – P1
“So sambayang akun ago paratiyaya ko ALLAH swt na aya mala a myakawgop rakun para magagakun langon aya ago mawyag-oyag lagid o kapka-oyag-oyag akun kayko dapun a COVID.” [My prayers and faith in ALLAH swt helped me overcome everything and live the same way as before when there was no pandemic.] – P4
“Sie ko kapakindudulona ko pud a taw na myakayto kagya babawalan kmi ran mliyo-liyo ago kokontrol’n eran so kandadalakaw kagya so edad ame mambo malbod katakdan a gya paniyakit. Ogaid na so kapakimbityarae ko mga tunganay ago layok akun na sige sige parin ago knaba pman myaputol ka adun a facebook akun ago pakatawag ako kiran parin sag yaya a cellphone akun.” [Socialization is minimal only because it is forbidden to go outside because movements are restricted and limited because of our age vulnerabilities. However, my communication with my relatives and friends is still consistent and was not totally cut off because I have Facebook and can still call them via mobile phone.] – P4
“Diyakodn makipundodolona odi na makipumbityarae s apud a taw ago di ako dn pagattend sa mga kalilimod lagido ka-kawing ka dikun kapakay lalo sie rkami a mga myaka edad.” [I no longer socialize with other people and can no longer attend gatherings like weddings because it is prohibited, especially for older adults.] – P6
“Sie ko kapamimikiran na mapipiyakodn ogaid na datar oba sa didalum na maaluk akobo ka obako badn masakit sag yaya covid-19. Pero so ALLAH swt na malae limo ka asar ka panarig kawn ago pakabagarun ka so paratiyaya kawn na In shaa ALLAH na dikadn maribat ka pagogopan ka niyan ago ikalimo kaniyan.” [I am still good in terms of psychological health; however, underneath this, I have little fear of getting infected with this illness. However, ALLAH swt is merciful as long as we trust him and continually strengthen our faith in him, then he will help us, especially in times like this.] – P3
“Mapipiyadn so kapamimikiran akun ogaid na igira kwan na pkapikir akun a ibarat oba-ako katakdi odi na so isako pamilyakun sangkae a covid na di siran pakabaw ago dadun a kataam eran, inoto diyakun plipatan obako di makasusulot sa mask ago pamangni ako sa tabang ko ALLAH swt.” [I still have a good mind, but sometimes this thought haunts my mind what if I or one of my family members get infected with it and are unable to smell or taste anything, so I always wear a mask and ask for help from ALLAH swt.] – P4